Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is this Atlanta or Chicago???

Okay, I'm not one to complain about the weather... but it's friggin cold today! I think it was 18 degrees when I walked into work (ironically at The Weather Channel). I had to double check with one of the mets to make sure I hadn't taken the long way to work and ended up in Chicago!

Brrrr... April, I have no idea how you survive!!

Anyways, we are supposed to be in the 60s this weekend so I can't complain but let this be my reminder.... never move where it's get this cold more than once a year!

1 comment:

april said...

yep, tell me about it. it's pretty miserable. i just try to power through and count down to warmth. overall, i'm not feeling to bad for you lady!!! :)